Charity Shop raises £42k for Cancer Research at Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust

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Volunteers from the Marazion Cancer Shop proudly presented Dr Duncan Wheatley with a cheque for £42,000 for the Cancer Research Charity Fund (a fund of the Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust Charity).

Dr Wheatley, Consultant Oncologist/Director of Research and colleagues from the Research and Development team visited the volunteers to thank them for their amazing contribution and talk about the cancer research happening at the hospital and the difference their donations make.

The popular charity shop is run entirely by volunteers and has supported the Cancer Research Charity Fund for over 12 years with donations totalling over £300,000.

Monies raised by the shop has provided additional staff, supported local researchers, provided equipment and specialist staff training as well as funding transport costs to enable patients to participate in vital research which sometimes is their only treatment option.

The team of volunteers were winners of the Marazion Community Champions of the Year 2023 award.

Marazion Cancer Shop volunteers and RCHT Research and Development staff gathered for a cheque presentation

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